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Official launching of the 20th edition of the Report “Comunitats Autònomes”

By 16 de June de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Official launching of the 20th edition of the Report “Comunitats Autònomes”

Yesterday at Saló Sant Jordi, Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya, the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, José Montilla and Mr. Eliseo Aja, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona (UB) and Director of the Institute of Public Law () launched officially the 20th edition of the report "Comunitats Autònomes 2008". This document – published and coordinated every year by the IDP, based at the Barcelona Science Park– encompasses a summary and an assessment of the set of institutional rules and minutes of the seventeen regional authorities in Spain, "comunitats autonomes" (CC.AA), as well as those of the Spanish state and the European Union (UE), applicable to the regions. The coordinator and manager of the report, Professor Joaquín Tornos, Faculty of Law of the UB and Mr. Miquel Roca i Junyent, member of the drafting commission of the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Catalonia also attended the event.

More than 30 professors of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, together with experts in Public Funds and Political Sciences from twenty universities, have collaborated in the preparation of this report and therefore it has become a referral document within the field of regional competencies in Spain. As well as examining Spanish laws and regulations and those EU laws and regulations applicable to the regional authorities, this report includes a separate review of the activities carried out by each one of the CCAA, prepared by a professor from a university located in the CA in question, as well as Constitutional Court and Supreme Court rulings with potential repercussion for the regions. Additionally, a yearly report of the main Federal States and Regions in the EU and an overall evaluation signed by the Director of the IDP are part of the online contents of IDP website, resulting from several working meetings with the participation of all of the authors involved in the drafting of this document.

In order to preserve the objective nature of this report, it is a prerequisite for the authors not to hold any institutional position. However, a follow-up commission whose members are representatives of the regional authorities was set up and this commission managed by IDP meets every year with the purpose to review data published in the last report and to decide upon issues which may be of interest to be tackled in the next report. This commission is usually made up by prestigious men and women of law holding important positions in the public administration of each CA. The President is Francisco del Río (Andalusia) but other prominent members outstand for their continuous contribution to this project, such as José Antonio Razquín (Navarra), Ramon Salanova (Aragon) or Ana Sánchez Lamelas (Cantàbria).