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The IC3 organizes the 1st CarboSchools-Catalonia Working Conference

By 17 de June de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The IC3 organizes the 1st CarboSchools-Catalonia Working Conference

Today Wednesday June 17th, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the "1st CarboSchools-Catalonia Working Conference: Measuring the concentration of atmospheric CO2 in different transects throughout Catalonia", organized by the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3), will be held in the Great Hall of the School of Biology (Margalef Building).

The objective of this conference is the presentation and discussion of results obtained throughout the course of the project that is being carried out by secondary school students, teachers and researchers of the Climate Research Laboratory, located at the Barcelona Science Park, and the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences. L’objectiu d’aquesta trobada es la presentació i la discussió dels resultats obtinguts al llarg del projecte en curs realitzat entre estudiants de secundària, professors i investigadors del Laboratori de Recerca del Clima, ubicat al Parc Científic Barcelona i de l’Institut Català de Ciències del Clima.

For more information