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Conference and round table on research as the economic engine of Catalonia

By 16 de June de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Conference and round table on research as the economic engine of Catalonia

Professor Andreu Mas-Colell will be giving a conference entitled "Research as the economic engine of Catalonia" tomorrow, Wednesday, 17 of June, 2009, at the Barcelona Science Park Auditorium. The lecture will be followed by a round table in which renowned personalities from the field of research will be participating. The event has been organised by the Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Foundation (GAEM), based at the Barcelona Science Park. The director general of the GAEM Foundation, Vicens Oliver, and the director general of the Barcelona Science Parl will both will be in attendance at the conference.

The round table, moderated by Luís Reales, a scientific journalist, will analyse the development and positioning of Catalonia in the field of research, both with respect to what has been done in past and what is planned for the future. The round table panellists that will be debating this theme include Joan Roca, director general of the Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprises; Carlos Buesa, managing director of Oryzon Enterprises and president of the Catalan Association of Biotechnological Companies (CataloniaBio); Eduardo Soriano, head of the Developmental Neurobiology and Regeneration Laboratory (IRB Barcelona); and Ricard Pujol Borrell, scientific directo of the Blood and Tissue Bank.

Andreu Mas-Colell és professor d’Economia i Empresa a la Andreu Mas-Colell is currently a professor of Economics and Business Studies at the Pompeu Fabra University, and former counsellor of Universities, Research and Information Society of the Generalitat of Catalonia from 2000 to 2003. Professor Mas-Colell will soon become the next secretary general of the European Research Council.

La Fundació GAEM té com a objectiu impulsar la investigació mèdica independent, i organitza regularment activitats amb la finalitat d’ The aim of the GAEM Foundation is to booster independent medical research, and to that end it regularly organises activities to inform and to make society and business aware of the economic importance of medical research and the need for all these society establishments to provide solid support.