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The two faces of Corporate Social Responsibility, on debate at PCB

By 27 de September de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The two faces of Corporate Social Responsibility, on debate at PCB

The XVII Workshop on Reflection on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), organised by the Research Centre on Economics and Social Affairs (CIES) -based at the PCB- in collaboration with the University of Barcelona (UB), will be held this upcoming 1st of October, from 9h to14h, at the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). Under the theme «The two faces of Corporate Social Responsibility», the meeting will focus on analysing not only the advantages but also the challenges and risks that the assumption of responsibility beyond what is required by the current legislation entails from the perspective of strategic business management

The workshop will host the participation of Gil Ramos, deputy director general of Social Economics, Self—Employed Workers and Social Responsibility of Businesses of the Ministry of Work and Immigration and the session will feature lectures from Joaquín Trigo, executive director of the business confederation for National Work Promotion; Carmen Mur, chairman of the Commission for Corporate Responsibility for National Work Promotion and CEO of Manpower; Gisela Villasevil, director of the Integrated Management Systems and Social Responsibility Department of ADASA Sistemas; Juan Serrano, director general of the Grupo Balfegó; and Isabel Vidal, professor at UB´s School of Economics and Businesses, director of the Centre for Research of Citizenship and Civil Society (CISC) and chairman of the Research Centre on Economics and Social Affairs (CIES).

The event –moderated by university professor Juan Fernández de Castro, director of the Economic Theory Department of the University of Barcelona– will conclude with a round of open questions intended to promote the participation of all attendees in the debate and facilitate the exchange of opinions and knowledge among all professionals involved in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and the heads of companies and professionals groups from the different economic sectors and cultural realities in their respective organisations.

The XVII CIES Workshop on CSR is one of the activities that has been planned for the 9º edition of a postgraduate course titled “Master´s in Corporate Social Responsibility, Accounting and Social Auditing” (MRS)”,organised by CIES under the auspice of the University of Barcelona -IL3 and Georgia State University, which combines online training with three in-classroom sessions. The last eight editions succeeded in training the heads of the most advanced companies on the implementation of CSR in the international setting. The presentation of this master’s postgraduate course and the first in-classroom session will take place on the 1st and 2nd of October, 2010.

The Research Centre on Economics and Social Affairs (CIES) was created in Barcelona in 1992 as a result of the accumulated experience since the early 80´s by a group of experts in the field of economics and social affairs. CIES objectives focus on the study of combining economic interests with social cohesion through research, academic teaching and dissemination by stimulating and reinforcing the development of innovative projects through the creation of platforms and networks that strengthen the their impact. CIES is a R+D+i centre that is part of the Barcelona Science Park that works in association with the University of Barcelona in the joint undertaking of research activities and training programmes.