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The PCB hosts the 4th Conference of career prospects for scientists

By 28 de June de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Source: Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona).

The PCB hosts the 4th Conference of career prospects for scientists

More than 60 students and young researchers attended yesterday, June 27, the 4th edition of the "Career prospects in science - options beyond the bench." The purpose of the meeting, organized annually by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), is to create a meeting place for science professionals with many different professional trajectories, from the university laboratory to posts in the research management, technology transfer and entrepreneurship fields, giving with their personal testimony a broader view of career opportunities for scientists.

The opening ceremony, held at the Antonio Caparros Auditorium at the PCB, was given by Jesus Purroy, technical director of Science and Technology Services of the PCB. This was followed by presentations on their experiences by Oscar Blanco, science teacher in Secundary Education; Daniel Closa, senior researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Research (CSIC-IIBB) and science lecturer; Montse Cruz, head of International Projects at Cetemmsa; Marc Ramis, general director of Tech Business & Innovation (TBI); and Teresa Tarragó, founder and general director of Iproteos and associate researcher at IRB Barcelona.

In the first part of the conference, speakers gave a short presentation of their professional careers, explaining what their current post involves and what made them decide on this option. Next, a round of questions was opened and to conclude, refreshments were offered where all participants where given the chance to interact proactively and in a relaxed atmosphere, with attendees.