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The Parc Científic de Barcelona joins the vice-presidency of the International Association of Science Parks

By 22 de June de 2006No Comments
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The Parc Científic de Barcelona joins the vice-presidency of the International Association of Science Parks

Joan Bellavista, representative of the president of the Parc Cientifíc de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) and professor at the University of Barcelona, was elected vice-president of the International Association of Science Parks () in the general assembly held during the XXIII International Conference from 6-9 June in Helsinki. With this appointment, the PCB is now represented in the governing bodies of regional, national and international associations of parks.

The IASP is an international network of science and technology parks and incubation projects that focus on knowledge, all of which seek to increase the wealth of the community by promoting a culture of innovation and competitiveness in order to boost and manage the flow of knowledge and technology between universities, research institutions, the private sector and the market place. At present, this association has members from 67 countries that represent more than 70,000 innovation enterprises and research institutions. In addition, it maintains relations and partnerships in many other countries.

A member of this association since 1998, the PCB has played an active role on the Advisory Committee and the managerial team. Furthermore, in 2007 the PCB will assist in the organization of IASP’s XXIV International Conference, which will be held in Barcelona in July.

Joan Bellavista (born in Granollers, 1958), who is also the manager of the Science and Technology Park Network of Catalonia (XPCat), has worked on projects addressing technological development and science and technology parks in several countries, such as the UK, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, the Dominican Republic, Tunisia and Spain.

Moreover, he has also published numerous articles on this topic, of these the following are of note: “Developing Science Parks: Theory and Models Matter”; “Using Basic Research: Assessing Connections between Basic Research and Socio-Economic Objectives”; “The Formation and Maintenance of Research Links between Industry and Universities”; “Science and Technology Policy in Spain: Organisational Constraints and Potential Development”; “Los Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos en España”; “Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en América Latina”; “The Barcelona Science Park: A Triple Helix Model in the Catalan and Spanish Research System”; and “Evaluación de la Investigación”.