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The European Observatory of Biotechnology joins the PCB

By 25 de April de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The European Observatory of Biotechnology joins the PCB

The recently established (OEB) has joined the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) as an associate entity. This observatory promotes several multidisciplinary projects related to information, observation and consultancy in the biotech sector in Europe.

According to Francesc Canals, one of the people responsible for the development of the observatory, “biotechnology is experiencing great growth, but continues to be a highly scientific and closed sector. Through our observatory, we aim to boost this sector”. In this regard, the observatory will collect biotech data from the scientific, industrial and informatics sectors in order to set up information networks. It will also conduct several studies and carry out projects and activities related to training, dissemination and documentation in this field. In the business sector, the observatory will provide intermediation services between the biotech sector in Europe and the rest of the world in order to attract enterprises operating in these scientific and biotechnological fields and also to boost investment in Catalonia. The establishment of the OEB in Barcelona is supported by the Barcelona City Council, which, on 18th March, expressed its political and institutional commitment to this initiative.