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The Bioregion Forum will host the award ceremony of the XXI Bioentrepreneurial Awards

By 24 de November de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Bioregion Forum will host the award ceremony of the XXI Bioentrepreneurial Awards

The 2nd edition of the BioRegion Forum, a benchmark congress of the biotechnological and biomedical sector in Catalonia that aims to boost and consolidate the Catalan biocluster, will take place next Thursday December 3. This congress, organized by BioCat in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, will take place at the Casa Llotja de Mar of Barcelona, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. It is forecasted that, like last year, over 500 representatives from the business and financial sectors, researchers, managers of research centres and institutes and representatives from universities and hospitals will participate in this event.

Additionally, this year’s edition includes, for the first time ever, the granting of the XXI BioEntrepreneurial Awards, an initiative developed by BioCat together with “la Caixa”, Barcelona Activa and the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona. These awards aim to support the creation of technology-based innovative companies in the life sciences sector. The awards ceremony will take place at 12 p.m.

Durant l’acte de cloenda, es lliurarà el reconeixement “Ambaixadors de la BioRegió de Catalunya” a dues figures il·lustres del sector: Màrius Rubiralta, secretari general d’Universitats del Ministeri d’Educació, i Joan Massagué, director del Programa de Biologia i Genètica del Càncer del Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) i director adjunt de l’Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (IRB), ubicat al Parc Científic Barcelona.

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