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The Bioethics Committee of Spain will meet at the Barcelona Science Park

By 23 de November de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Bioethics Committee of Spain will meet at the Barcelona Science Park

Next November 30 the Bioethics Committee of Spain (CBE) will host a plenary meeting at the headquarters of the Bioethics and Law Observatory (OBD) and Bioethics UNESCO Chair of the University of Barcelona, located at the Barcelona Science Park (C/Baldiri i Reixac, 4-6, 5th floor). In this ordinary session members of the CBE will debate the status of their projects. The agenda also includes addressing the presence of the Committee at different international forums and especially at the international meeting of National Ethics Committees (NEC-Forum), which will take place in Spain in 2010.

When the session has finalized, members of the Bioethics Committee of Spain will have a meeting with members of the Bioethics Advisory Committee of Catalunya (CBC) –an advisory body of the Government and the administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya associated to the Health Department- with the aim of strengthening relationships, ascertaining the status of projects that are currently underway and coordinating new initiatives.

This Committee, presided by Marc Broggi, is the oldest in Spain. The meeting will take place at the UNESCO Chair headquarters, the organization that is promoting and hosting this event. The chairholder of the Bioethics UNESCO Chair, Maria Casado, is a member of both committees.

The Bioethics Committe of Spain is an independent advisory organization linked to the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs –officially created on October 23 2008- which aims to issue reports and advise the central government and governments of the autonomous communities in matters relating to the ethical and social implications of biomedicine and the health sciences.

This organization also represents Spain in international forums on ethics and medicine. Six of the twelve members are proposed by the central government and the other six are proposed by the autonomous communities within the Interterritorial Health Council. At present the CBE –with headquarters at the Carlos III Health Institute (Madrid)- is presided by Victoria Camps, and composed of eleven experts (three women and eight men) from the judicial, bioethical, medical and research fields: María Casado, Carlos Alonso Bedate, Yolanda Gómez, Carmen Ayuso, José Antonio Martín Pallín, Jordi Camí, César Lóris, César Nombela, Marcelo Palacios, Carlos Romeo Casabona and Pablo Simón.