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The Barcelona Science Park participates in the Salt University Students’ Forum

By 15 de March de 2018No Comments
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Salt University Students’ Forum (Photo: Barcelona Science Park).

The Barcelona Science Park participates in the Salt University Students’ Forum

On Saturday 17 March, the Salt University Students’ Forum was held in the auditorium of the Factoria Cultural Coma-Cros, which was attended by Ignasi Belda, Director of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The aim of the event—organised by Salt Town Council’s Department of Education and Young People—was to provide guidance to young students and to share experiences with the attendees.

One of the many activities was a round-table discussion featuring expert speakers, in which Ignasi Belda talked about of the importance of studying and how to tackle the world after education. The event also included several group working sessions focused on different areas, such as health, engineering, the arts and humanities. The day was rounded off with an artistic performance and a networking session between the attendees.

The Salt University Students’ Forum is a collaborative initiative which is organised by students, teachers, technicians, the town council and other institutions. The event had a dual purpose: to share inspiring experiences that help the young attendees to shape their academic paths, and to demonstrate that many young people from Salt go to university and to encourage other students to do so.