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Science and technology parks adopt an active stance on digital innovation and Industry 4.0

By 23 de November de 2018No Comments
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The opening ceremony was presented by Mariví Monteserín, the mayor of Avilés; Ana Concejo, General Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Government of the Principality of Asturias; and the president of APTE, Felipe Romera (Photo: APTE).

Science and technology parks adopt an active stance on digital innovation and Industry 4.0

Under the slogan “Industry 4.0: more connected, more sustainable”, representatives from around thirty science and technology parks convened with renowned experts from the field of innovation and digital transformation during the XVI International Conference of the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE). The event, which was held yesterday in the Niemeyer Centre in the Science and Technology Park of Avilés, included participation by Maria Terrades, CEO of the Parc Científic de Barcelona (Barcelona Science Park, PCB).


Transformation and digital innovation is a determining factor for the competitiveness of companies and institutions, with science and technology parks undertaking a crucial role in the development of the so-called fourth industrial revolution.

Several examples of international companies who are standing out in the field of digital transformation and Industry 4.0 were presented during the XVI International Conference of the APTE, with some accredited science and technology parks revealing the characteristics of their Digital Innovation Hubs. Another aspect analysed during the conference was the funding of digital business transformation processes. This session was presented by the coordinator of the ‘Innovation For Manufacturing SMEs’ (I4MS) initiative, Mayte Carracedo, and the Managing Director of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil [Alternative Stock Market] (MAB), Jesús González.

The final speech of the conference was the presentation of the winning start-ups from the Open Innovation 4.0 programme, which aims to solve the technological challenges of multinational companies via digitalisation.

The event concluded by naming the winners of the APTE 2018 awards for best practice in science and technology parks and awards for outreach through the media,with this first edition being reported nationally in La Vanguardia and locally/regionally in Sur.

► For further information about the XVI International Conference of APTE [+info]