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Researcher Joan Massagué, among the 100 most influential Spaniards in 2005

By 18 de January de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Researcher Joan Massagué, among the 100 most influential Spaniards in 2005

The scientific assessor to the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), Joan Massagué, has been ranked 85th among the 100 most influential people in Spain in 2005. This information comes from a survey, which, for sixth consecutive year, the newspaper el Mundo has carried out. For the survey, experts from diverse fields have been consulted in order to rank the 500 Spaniards that may stand out during 2005.

Joan Massagué, Prince of Asturias Prize winner 2004 and one of the 50 most cited authors in the field of science in the last 20 years, is soon to head the fifth programme of the Institute of Biomedical Research of the PCB (IRB-PCB), which will address translational and applied oncology. The new programme will include between 8 and 10 research groups that will work in collaboration with those of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Programme, also directed by Massagué, at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center in New York.

Furthermore, the science section of the el Mundo survey also makes reference to the director of the IRB-PCB, Joan J. Guinovart. Special attention has been given to his work on therapies for the treatment of type II diabetes and to his role as president of the Spanish Confederation of Scientific Societies (COSCE), through which he directs the project entitled “Science in Spain” (CRECE), a study which seeks to evaluate the present state of science and scientific policy in this country.