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The event will be held at the Sala Polivalente at Parc Científic de Barcelona.

PCB hosts the co-session ‘Science is Business’, a meeting space to explore new co-innovation pathways

Next Monday, 23 February, Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) will host the co-session 'Science is Business', organised by Co-societyInfonomia´s innovation platform– in collaboration with the Institute for Biomedical Research (IRB Barcelona) and PCB. The aim of the conference is to present examples of 'quick' conversion of science into business and open a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences among researchers, business people and entrepreneurs to find new ways to connect science and business, and overcome the shortcomings of typical knowledge transfer mechanisms. 


The opening presentation will be given by Joan Guinovart, director of IRB Barcelona and will feature the participation of experts, José Ignacio Latorre, professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona, director of Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual and one of the most renowned Spanish scientists in the field of quantic physics; Lipi Hernandez, a reference in the contemporary scene, prominent choreographer and creator at the center of R & D El Granero (Mercado de las Flores) – Fábricas de Creación de Barcelona; Alfons Corneja, consultant for large companies and founder and president of Infonomia, a benchmark organization in integrated innovation services; and Josep Lluís Sànchez-Brugarola and Mònica Alonso, members of Co-society, an initiative to encourage the systematic intersection of business between companies from different sectors.

The session will be energized by the team of Infonomia and will have a strong participatory nature in an environment that fosters creativity, networking and exchange of experiences, encouraging to leave inertia behind and to explore the mutual influence to obtain readily applicable conclusions to each of the organizations. In this context, participants will explore new ways of transmitting knowledge, mixing and generating ideas and potential joint projects resulting from the combination of their different capacities and assets as well as  know-how.

Beyond open innovation

The Co-society project is a platform for companies to work in cooperation and collaboration (co-innovation) founded in 2009 by Infonomia to encourage the intersection of innovative teams from organizations of different sectors. Three times a year, Co-society organizes sessions on different topics to keep their members updated on cutting-edge technologies and to foster collaboration and sharing of skills between them. The goal is to go beyond open innovation so that each entity can leave its own inbreeding sector through the interaction of businesses and experts from different areas. Trending topics range from business models to art to photonics.

• For further information and registration [+]