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New publications by the Sociolinguistics and Communication University Centre (CUSC)

By 24 de December de 2004November 18th, 2020No Comments
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New publications by the Sociolinguistics and Communication University Centre (CUSC)

The Sociolinguistics and at the UB, located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), has devoted the second issue of the journal to the analysis of the linguistic model in Spain over the last 25 years, with particular attention to Catalan. Coinciding with this issue, the CUSC will also present a book on the conservation of linguistic diversity entitled "Diversitats. Llengües, espècies i ecologies" (Ed. Empúries), edited by Albert Bastardas, director of the centre.

The journal brings together some of the presentations made in the conference entitled “25 years of the Spanish Constitution: a linguistic model to evaluate”, which the CUSC organized last May and which included the participation of professors from fields such as philology, anthropology and law. In this regard, the journal includes, among others, articles such as “Les llengües en els òrgans centrals de l’Estat espanyol (un balanç de 25 anys de la CE)” by Emili Boix-Fuster, professor at the Dept. of Catalan Philology at the UB and president of the Catalan Sociolinguistic Group, and “La regulació constitucional del multilingüisme a Espanya: Qui vol canviar què” by Albert Branchadell, professor at the Dept. of Catalan Philology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and president of the Organization for Multilingualism.

In addition, “Diversitats. Llengües, espècies i ecologies” simultaneously addresses the conservation of linguistic diversity and biological diversity; the latter having a more general social appreciation of the disastrous consequences of disappearance of certain plants and animals in danger of extinction. The result of the trans-disciplinary conference entitled “Bio/linguodiversitat: similituds i diferències” organized by the CUSC, the book groups articles by the anthropologist Claudi Esteva, the linguistic anthropologist M. Carme Junyent, the linguist Joan A. Argenter, the ecologist Jaume Terrades, the philosopher Josep M. Terriacabras and by Albert Bastardas himself.