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Mind the Byte becomes an Amazon Web Services Technology Partner

By 20 de March de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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From left to right: Eduardo Santamaría, Alfons Nonell-Canals and Christian Teijón.©PCB.

Mind the Byte becomes an Amazon Web Services Technology Partner

–located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) and specializing in the delivery of computational solutions to biotechnology and biomedical research– has gained Technology Partner status with Amazon Web Serveis (AWS) in order to offfer its clients cloud computing IT services on top of the AWS platform. The start up becomes the first technology partner of Amazon Web Services in Spain, and the seventh around the world specializing in cloud solutions applied to bioinformatics and chemoinformatics.

This new status means, Mind the Byte makes available to companies, universities and public and private research groups the opportunity to access a range of computing infrastructures and software applications in scientific and technical software through the AWS cloud using the SaaS mode (acronym for ‘Software as a Service’), a software distribution system based on pay per use, compared with traditional licensed software.

“Gaining this AWS Partner status is very important because it is one of the leading companies in the global market for IT infrastructures and cloud services. This initiative confirms our company’s ongoing commitment to innovation in cloud computing technology applied to research and allows us to offer the flexibility of the AWS cloud and thus positioning ourselves as a leader in the industry” -said Alfonso Nonel-Canals, CEO of Mind the Byte.

The cloud potential and Saas platforms in scientific research

Cloud services or cloud computing represent a great opportunity to optimize and accelerate projects in the field of R+D+i, improving access to intensive data processing systems and last generation analytical platforms and making them accessible to small research groups, minimizing the investment of resources in infrastructures and scientific and technical services, and favouring a better harmonization and standardization of data and processes among all entities involved in national and international cooperation networks. Cloud systems can extend high-performance computing (HPC) as users need to, and provides a number of hardware and disk storage in minutes. On the other hand, these systems work as any other application on line: being able to access the services contracted from anywhere and anytime and with various devices for Internet connection, such as mobile phones, PDAs or laptops. In addition, it is the same IT provider which provides maintenance, upgrades and technical support.

Cloud applications distributed in the SaaS mode (Software as a Service) also provide a great added value, since the user can access the software and applications hosted in the cloud automatically, depending on their timely needs and based on a model of consumption-based billing, that is, the payment varies depending on the use made of the cloud service contract, allowing to scale resources according to demand and meet the organization’s high occasional peaks of demand.

“We, as SaaS service providers, offer our customers as many calculation resources as they need them when they need them without having to pay anything unless they are using the system, which provides an opportunity for small businesses and research groups who wish to calculate but which do not require, or are unwilling, to make large investiments in a high performance computing infrastructure. Our cloud services are also useful for computational groups that have work peaks and need more resources for a short period of time”- says Alfonso Nonell-Canals.

As for security, privacy and integrity of data in the cloud, Mind the Byte´s CEO reveals that “the infrastructure of AWS is certified at the highest level and allows to create safe and direct connections between the client´s infrastructure and its devices in the cloud, which in turn can create virtual private clouds, completely isolated from the rest. In addition, the redundancy of data storage ensures their integrity and durability.”