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Màrius Rubiralta, director general of the PCB, receives the Narcís Monturiol Medal

By 2 de December de 2003November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Màrius Rubiralta, director general of the PCB, receives the Narcís Monturiol Medal

In an act held in the Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya on 1st December, Màrius Rubiralta, director general of the Parc Científic de Barcelona and full professor of the Dept. of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Chemistry of the Universitat de Barcelona, was presented the Narcís Monturiol Medal for scientific and technological merit. This award is in recognition of Màrius Rubiralta's teaching and research work and also his contribution to the development of innovative scientific policies.

The award ceremony was presided by Jordi Pujol, interim President of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Government of Catalunya), who was accompanied by Andreu Mas-Colell, Minister of the Departament per a Universitats, Recerca i Societat de La Informació (DURSI, Dept. for Universities, Research and the Information Society), and by Joaquim Casal, director of Research. In his speech on behalf of the awardees, Màrius Rubiralta urged the future government to make science and innovation key elements of the economic and social progress of Catalonia and expressed his discontent with the small amount of public and private funding devoted to research. Màruis Rubiralta also stated that Catalonia boasts strong basic research thanks to the effort and volition of research staff, in spite of the financial difficulties faced by many research groups.

Founded in 1982 to honour people and entities that make an outstanding contribution to the scientific and technological progress of Catalonia, the Narcís Monturiol award, in its 22nd year, has been granted to two institutions and twelve public figures. The following UB researchers also received this award: Joan Solà, full professor of the Dept. of Catalan Philology; Marià Alemany, full professor of the Dept. of Nutrition and Bromatology and director of the research enterprise Oleoyl-Estrone Developments OED, and Isidre Ferrer, full professor of the Dept. of Cellular Biology and Pathological Anatomy.