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Joan Massagué, premi Fundació BBVA Fronteres del Coneixement en BiomedicinaTO TRANSLATE >>>

By 28 de January de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Joan Massagué, premi Fundació BBVA Fronteres del Coneixement en BiomedicinaTO TRANSLATE >>>

Today, The adjunct director of IRB Barcelona, Joan Massagué i Solé has been granted the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category of Biomedicine. Massagué's studies have revealed fundamental processes behind the regulation of cell division and have identified key genes involved in cancer and metastasis. These studies "have great potential for clinical applications", remarked the jury, chaired by Torsten Wielsen, Nobel Prize winner for Physiology and Medicine. The award is worth 400,000 euros.

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