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Agreement Signed to Promote Innovation and Attract Talent to Barcelona

By 29 de January de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Agreement Signed to Promote Innovation and Attract Talent to Barcelona

On 29 January, the Barcelona Science Park hosted the signing of an agreement reached between five leading Catalan universities, the Barcelona City Hall and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce to promote innovation and attract talent to the Barcelona area. The collaboration agreement—involving the UB, UAB, UPC, UPF and URL—reflects a strong commitment to joint progress in research and innovation. In addition, it establishes a framework for coordinated efforts in the areas of dissemination, value creation, the promotion of research and innovation, and the promotion of knowledge transfer as vehicles in support of business innovation, entrepreneurship and attracting talent.

The dignitaries on hand to sign the agreement included the five university rectors, Dídac Ramírez of the UB, Ana Ripoll of the UAB, Antoni Giró of the UPC, Josep Joan Moreso of the UPF, and Esther Giménez-Salinas of the URL, along with Jordi Hereu, the mayor of Barcelona, and Miquel Valls, the president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

In his speech at the ceremony, UB Rector Dídac Ramírez singled out the importance of the agreement and highlighted that the agreement “addresses all areas of knowledge, including the arts and social sciences”. Mayor Jordi Hereu noted that the aim is to foster economic growth and create new jobs as a result of the work being done at the universities, adding that the “Barcelona knowledge triangle” of university, business and city will strengthen growth in innovation. Miquel Valls drew particular attention to the historic agreement in the context of the economic crisis being faced now. “This is an agreement for the future,” he emphasised, “and a sign of optimism”. Speaking on behalf of the universities at the event, UPC Rector Antoni Giró noted that there are already several projects underway which reflect the thrust of the agreement and underscored the value of Barcelona not only as a great place to visit, but also as a powerful magnet for talent.

Building on the synergies among the participating institutions, the aim of the collaboration agreement is to assess and market knowledge, harness it to the betterment of society, and contribute to the transformation of the economy through high value-added applications of knowledge. Specific goals include reducing the obstacles faced by researchers, professionals and businesspeople considering Barcelona as a place to live and work, and stimulating greater economic development and innovation as an outgrowth of research and new knowledge.