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Fernando Albericio, ‘doctor honoris causa’ by the University of Buenos Aires

By 11 de January de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Fernando Albericio, ‘doctor honoris causa’ by the University of Buenos Aires

The Teaching Commission of the Higher Council of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in Argentina, has granted the title of ‘doctor honoris causa' to the general director of the Barcelona Science Park and professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, Fernando Albericio, in recognition of the research and teaching work that he has conducted over the course of his broad professional career.

The granting of this title was proposed by the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the UBA, with which he maintains a close relationship through several collaboration agreements. This proposal especially highlights his work as a researcher –he has published over 550 scientific articles in international journals and presented more than 40 patents- and the excellence achieved in the academic world – he has directed more than 30 doctoral theses, some of them from the UBA, which have received a qualification of excellent cum laudem- as well as his participation in over 150 international conferences and in Committees and editorial Boards of several internationally renowned scientific journals.

Fernando Albericio obtained his PhD in Chemical Sciences at the University of Barcelona in 1981, and, after several post-doctoral stays at Tufts University (United Stated), the Université d’Aix Marseilles (France) and the University of Minnesota, he joined the University of Barcelona again as associate professor. Between 1992 and 1994 he was the director of peptide research at Milligen/Bioresearch (Boston, USA). Since 1995 he has been professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, and he currently combines the executive management of the Barcelona Science Park with his activities as the principal investigator at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and his position as University professor.

In the past few years he has worked closely with the transfer of knowledge and technology to society and facilitated the creation of biotech companies. He is a member of the Administration Board of several foundations and companies and consultant to companies working in the chemistry and pharmaceutical sector.