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A growing number of companies and R&D employment in science and technology parks

By 18 de April de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Image: APTE.

A growing number of companies and R&D employment in science and technology parks

The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) this morning at Orbital 40, Science and Technology Park of Terrassa, the annual statistics of the Association, during the celebration of the General Assembly. The meeting –in which also replaced two members of the Executive Committee of APTE– was attended by the Director General of the Parc Científic de Barcelona, Salvador Maluquer.

Spanish parks have increased in the last year by 2.9% the number of companies and institutions installed, reaching a total of 6,206 entities. 233 are foreign-funded enterprises and 890 are entities under 3 years old. In addition, 854 companies are newly created or installed in parks APTE members during the past year.

The annual turnover data showed a decline of 7.1%, with a total of 21.587 million euros. In reference to the year 2012 ended with a total of 146 669 workers, 5% less than the previous year, although qualified employment in R & D if it increases significantly, 3%, reaching 29,296 people, a figure that shows employment in the parks is specializing in this type of activity.

Investment in R & D is the most falls in the previous year, and although more than 1,054 million euros, decreasing by 12.3%. If we compare this figure with the public spending cuts shows that the effort to keep parks private investment, as a commitment to innovation and competitiveness of their companies.