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A catalogue associates the abilities of CITA-UB groups with the stages of business development

By 17 de April de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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A catalogue associates the abilities of CITA-UB groups with the stages of business development

The Centre for Innovation and Advanced Technologies of the University of Barcelona (CITA-UB), a project promoted by the UB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, has published on its website a catalogue which collects for each area of expertise (Food; Sustainable development; Industrial processes; Information, communication and knowledge technologies; and Health and quality of life) the technological services offered by its research groups and associate them with the stages of business development.

The Centre for Innovation and Advanced Technologies of the University of Barcelona (CITA-UB), a project promoted by the UB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, has published on its website a catalogue which collects for each area of expertise (Food; Sustainable development; Industrial processes; Information, communication and knowledge technologies; and Health and quality of life) the technological services offered by its research groups and associate them with the stages of business development.

Actualment, el CITA-UB està format per onze grups de recerca de la UB experts i amb una llarga tradició de col·laboració amb les empreses, i que han estat reconeguts amb la marca de qualitat TECNIO per la Generalitat de Catalunya mitjançant la seva agència ACC1Ó. Des del CITA-UB s’han desenvolupat més de 555 projectes de recerca i serveis; s’han dut a terme més de 83 projectes competitius amb finançament públic, dels quals 33 són internacionals i 50 nacionals, i s’ha col·laborat en la recerca de 200 patents.