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A bridge towards new business opportunities in Korea

By 15 de April de 2016No Comments
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Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn presided over the opening ceremony of the 2016 BIO Korea.

A bridge towards new business opportunities in Korea

Pharmaphenix –based at the Barcelona Science Park specializing in business development in emergent markets in Latin American and Korea with increasing activity in the Spanish market– has taken part one more year at BIO Korea, the largest partnering conference of the biotech, pharmaceutical and innovation sector in Asia. For three days, the pharmaceutical consultancy firm- with headquarters in Barcelona and in Seoul, South Korea– has intensified its contacts with key actors of the national bio-health sector to consolidate itself as a benchmark partner in the region. 


In its 11th edition, held from March 30th to April 1st at COEX Convention & Exhibition Center in southern Seoul, Korea BIO 2016 welcomed 23,942 visitors from 45 countries around the world, 665 exhibiting companies, 214 speakers (of which 67 were international) and 1.130 partnering meetings, according to data provided by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), the  organizing institution of the event.

Pascal Nizet, CEO of Pharmaphenix, participated as a guest speaker at the Conference Program, in which 200 participants– leaders of the Korean biopharmaceutical industry and representatives of international companies and institutions– shared their knowledge on future trends of the national and international bio-health sector. 

Nizet also took part at the Business Forum, articulated around an extensive program of partnership   (one-to-one) meetings, workshops and presentations of companies. This initiative offered SMEs and start-ups of the sector the opportunity to contact groups such as Johnson & Johnson, MSD, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Novartis and Amway, domestic and foreign investors and major Korean companies and research institutions in the sector.

Pascal Nizet took part in two debate forums, Bio-Health New Investment trend and investment attracting strategy and Technology Licensing” as well in the round table Successful investment direction in bio & health industry by applying new investment model.

“These three days have been very intense, between meetings, lectures and meetings with Executives from leading companies.” Pharmaphenix decided to go for the Korean market several years ago and has woven a network of contacts with a growing number of companies of various profiles in order to help its European and American customers to make contact with Korean companies to develop possible business relations. “

A benchmark partner in emerging countries

Pharmaphenix is an international consultancy firm specializing in pharmaceutical business development. Its main focus was put on emerging countries, where most of its projects have been developed. Its mission is to become the partner of reference in the field of business development in the health sciences -through the construction of an international network of companies- and add value to the business of its European, American and Korean customers in order to make them grow.

Since it was created in 2008, Pharmaphenix has served as a bridge between Asia and Latin America in many Korean, European and Australian companies for the marketing of their products. Similarly, it has also been introducing products and services of European and American companies in the Korean market.

The miracle on the Han River

The economy of South Korea has undergone rapid growth in less than 50 years, which is popularly known as “The miracle on the Han River.” The country is adopting an increasingly important role in the global biopharmaceutical sector thanks to the huge 1 billion dollar investment  that the government has agree to inject  over the course of 10 years in R & D.

At the opening event of BioKorea 2016, the first Minister of South Korea, Hwang Kyo-Ahn, ensured that “the government has taken steps for the country to become the seventh world power in the biomedical industry.”


Today Seoul has become the first Asian city in the number of clinical trials.