InKemia IUCT enters the capital of Mind the Byte Blog Post

Mind the Byte -located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) -and specialized in cloud computing solutions for biomedical and biotechnological research– has just closed a funding round of 200,000 € to accelerate the development and commercialization of its SaaS platforms (Software as a Service) for drug discovery. This capital increase has been led by InKemia IUCT Group, which has acquired a 5% stake in shares and will have a representative on the board of directors as a strategic partner. This operation has also resulted in the signing of a collaboration agreement under which both companies will be able to share customers, products and services, and will permit Mind the Byte to offer complete packages, from software or service design to product synthesis.


12th edition of «Live Research Fair» Blog Post

From 8 to 10 April, the Aula Capella of the Historic Building hosts the 12th , an initiative organised by the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) and supported by the (UB) and . The main objective of the Fair is to show some research projects carried out at different Barcelona’s centres in order to bring society closer to research and foster young people’s interest in scientific vocations. The activity are part of PCB´s program , which offers more than 80 activities involving nearly 5,000 people each year.

11a edició de la Fira «Recerca en directe»TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Demà, dimarts 23 d’abril, comença la 11a edició de la Fira «Recerca en directe», que tindrà lloc a La Pedrera fins el dijous 25 d’abril. L’objectiu d’aquest esdeveniment, que organitzen anualment el Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) i la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera, és mostrar diversos projectes que es duen a terme a centres i instituts d’investigació de Barcelona per apropar la recerca a tots els ciutadans i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves.

S’obre la 7a convocatòria d’ajuts per al projecte «Recerca a Secundària» TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

El Parc Científic Barcelona ha fet pública la dirigida a investigadors que vulguin fer de tutors d’estudiants de secundària durant el seu treball de recerca de batxillerat. La iniciativa s’inclou dins del programa «Recerca en Societat » que desenvolupa el PCB i té com a finalitat promoure la recerca entre la comunitat educativa i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves. La tutoria consisteix en pràctiques de laboratori (4-5 dies) i assessorament bibliogràfic .

La Pedrera will host the 9th edition of the “Live Research! Fair” Blog Post

Next Tuesday, 5 April, at 12 h, the 9th edition of the “Live Research” Far will be opened at La Pedrera (Passeig de Gràcia, 92). The fair is organized by the Barcelona Science Park with the support of the Social Work Division of Caixa de Catalunya. The initiative will serve as a showcase of some of the projects that principal researchers from different research centers and institutes in Barcelona are currently undertaking and it is intended to bring research closer to all citizens and to promote scientific vocations among young adults. To achieve this goal, each stand will formulate an enigma which attendees will have to solve by experimenting and using the laboratory tools that scientists will bring to the Fair during the exhibit at La Pedrera. The display will be open to the public on the 5, 6 and 7 April, from 10h to 14h and 16h to 20h. Access to the fair is free, but a reservation is recommended for groups larger than 10 people.

Presentation of the conclusions of the IAREG project, in which the FBG and the AQR-IREA Group are participating Blog Post

The Office of International Research Projects (OPIR), a mixed unit of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG)–located at the Barcelona Science Park- and the University of Barcelona (UB), has managed the project titled “Assets and Regional Economic Growth”,IAREG), which analyses the function of intangible assets –such as human capital, mobility of researchers and business initative- in the generation of innovation and economic growth. The results of this project have been presented this month and, amongst other conclusions, the importance of stimulating academic commercialisation efforts is underscored.

The 5th grant call for the project «Research in Secondary Schools» is now open Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park has announced the fifth grant call aimed at researchers who wish to tutor secondary school students during their research projects. The initiative is included within the program , developed by the PCB, and its objective is to promote research within the educational community and to foster scientific vocations amongst the youth. Application deadline is May 4.