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11th Call for the «Spend the summer at the Park!» Practicum Programme

By 28 de March de 2012No Comments
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11th Call for the «Spend the summer at the Park!» Practicum Programme

The period to submit the applications to participate in the Practicum Programme entitled «Spend the summer at the Park!» -addressed to second-cycle degree students- will open on March 23 and will run through April 23. The objective of this initiative, organised by the Barcelona Science Park in collaboration with the IRB Barcelona, is to bring the world of research closer to students from all universities through their participation in projects performed by the research groups, research centres and companies located at the PCB.

The practicum will be carried out in groups which focus their activity in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology or chemistry during the summer period, from June to September. The duration of the programme is from two to three months. Students who participate in the programme will receive a monthly grant of 250€ per month.

For the 11th consecutive year, the Barcelona Science Park offers this programme. In previous editions nearly 300 students have taken part in this opportunity and more than 800 applications have been received. According to the evaluation surveys, the students and tutors are very satisfied with this collaborative initiative. This fact is corroborated by the link that students keep with the research groups they collaborated with after the completion of their placement period.

For further information and registration