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VHIR and IBEC will collaborate in research and innovation projects

By 22 de May de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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VHIR and IBEC will collaborate in research and innovation projects

The Vall d'Hebron Reserach Institute (VHIR) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) have signed today an agreement of collaboration for the joint development for the joint development of sanitary innovative interventions, activities of technology and knowledge transfer.

In addition, this agreement –signed by the directors of both institutions, Joan Comella (VHIR) and Josep A. Planell (IBEC)– will help the exchange of scientific and technical staff, organization of seminars and scientific and social events, and to establish preferential conditions for the use of the respective equipments.

Both institutes will take advantage of the existing synergies in the frame of their respective activities, will promote studies and joint projects in the area of biomedicine and will generate technological and scientific opportunities for the application in priority areas of scientific collaboration.

IBEC’s director, Josep A. Planell, thinks that this agreement means “consolidating the collaboration of IBEC with the research institute of one of the most important hospitals of the country. This is a decisive step in the strategy to transfer the results of our research to the patient “. According to VHIR’s director, Joan Comella, the agreement “is an opportunity to collaborate with a leading institute in bioengineering and nanomedicine and it will strengthen both institutions”.

To begin this collaboration there has been a meetting at VHIR between researchers from both institutes. Representatives of the different research groups have explained the projects in which are already collaborating.

Image: From left to right, VHIR’s director, Joan Comella, and IBEC’s director, Josep A. Planell © Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)