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TV3’s La Marató funds an IRB Barcelona project on inflammatory bowel diseases

By 6 de November de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Eduard Batlle. Source: IRB Barcelona.

TV3’s La Marató funds an IRB Barcelona project on inflammatory bowel diseases

La Fundación La Marató de TV3 ha concedido una ayuda de cerca de 300.000 euros al Laboratorio de Cáncer Colorrectal liderado por el investigador ICREA Eduard Batlle para desarrollar un proyecto colaborativo con el grupo de Azucena Salas del Hospital Clínico de Barcelona en el ámbito de la regeneración y trasplante de órganos y tejidos.

The aim of the basic research project led by Batlle and Salas is to investigate the potential of the transplantation of intestinal stem cells to treat lesions caused by inflammatory bowel diseases.

These chronic diseases affect 2.2 million people in Europe, and the number of cases diagnosed is rapidly increasing. Current treatments are not sufficiently effective in the majority of patients. Effects such as fibrosis, ulcers and fistulas are common and are associated with high morbidity. Surgery is often the only therapeutic option in advanced cases. Transplanting intestinal stem cells into the damaged areas may offer an effective alternative.