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The Universidad de Barcelona and La Caixa agree on an ambitious plan for the development of international, entrepreneurial, scientific projects

By 20 de March de 2007November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Universidad de Barcelona and La Caixa agree on an ambitious plan for the development of international, entrepreneurial, scientific projects

"La Caixa" and the Universidad de Barcelona (UB, University of Barcelona) have entered into a collaboration agreement through which the bank commits itself to promote the development of entrepreneurial scientific projects and to collaboration in the activities to be undertaken by the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)(Barcelona Science Park) regarding the Alimentació de Torribera campus. This initiative is one of the key projects of the UB to boost its role as a centre of knowledge. Signed by the president of la Caixa, Ricard Fornesa, and the rector of the UB, Màrius Rubiralta, the agreement further strengthens the close relationship that the two organisations have maintained for twenty years.

La Caixa collaborates with the Fundació Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)(Barcelona Science Park) and joins the governing board of the park in order to promote initiatives of ”joint interest”, including the pioneering nanobiomedicine programme (NANOBIOENGINEERING platform) and other ”research projects in the pharmaceutical and food fields”. The bank will also offer financial, commercial and consultancy services to companies located in Science Parks or that plan to set up their operations on these sites.

This collaboration agreement is supported by the Santa Coloma-Torribera Science Park, a pioneering project promoted by the UB to stimulate research and knowledge transfer to society and the business sector. This campus aims to become focal point for public administration, the university, R+D centres and companies operating in the food sector, in which they can address issues related to nutrition, food, food safety and gastronomic culture. The Santa Coloma-Torribera Science Park will host university activities but also companies and teams devoted to research in eating disorders, and child and adult nutrition.