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The PCB participates in the presentation of the Biocat report “Biotechnology and biomedicine”

By 22 de September de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB participates in the presentation of the Biocat report “Biotechnology and biomedicine”

On 22 September, the 'Biotechnology and biomedicine' report will be presented along with some sixty professional profiles at the Barcelona Activa Porta22 sectorial symposiums. Biocat, with collaboration from Adecco, has created the Sectorial report on Biotechnology and biomedicine, which lays out the 10 keys to the sector. More than sixty descriptions of professional profiles have also been created. After the presentation, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the spin off Bioglane and CataloniaBio association –located at PCB – have been invited to speak about the needs, evolution and management of the different professional profiles in their organization.

The presentation of the report and the professional profiles will take place on 22 September 2010, as part of the Porta22 sectorial symposiums (Barcelona Activa Center for Professional Development), which are held periodically to provide information on employment trends in various economic sectors.

For more information