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The Parc de la Ciutadella during the tenth edition of the Barcelona Science Festival (Photo: Barcelona City Council).

The Barcelona Science Park takes part at the Science Festival

This year, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) will actively participate in the 11th edition of the Barcelona Science Festival, a gathering point where citizens will learn about science and technology that the Institute of Culture of Barcelona (ICUB) has been promoting for the 11th consecutive year. As every year, and throughout the weekend, Parc de la Ciutadella will become a huge laboratory where children and adults will be able to experience and enjoy the over 100 educational and leisure activities that have been organized. 


PCB will be present at the Festival on Saturday 27th of May – with four proposals lead by researchers from the Research in Society program. The four proposals will aim to explore scientific knowledge and cutting-edge research from the perspective of play and will include  “Natural Indicators” workshops, “Chlorophyll Chromatography”  by Carlos Heras, and “How to discover a criminal” by Ignacio Castrillón, who will also be participating in the small talk “The road of a drug”. 

In its eleventh edition, the Festival will focus on the challenges faced by society and the solutions offered by science and technology through one hundred free activities that will be held in different sites at Parc de la Ciutadella. In addition, on Saturday evening, and as part of a star watching event, a special program, Brain Polyphony, a binaural concert and sound event featuring audio-sound devices will take place as a sample of the Pint of Science. The Festival will close with the show Katastrophe.

The Science Fair is one of the many activities that take place from 15 to 28 May in various parts of the city as part of the eleventh edition of the Barcelona Science Festival, promoted by the Barcelona City Council with the aim of creating new ecosystems that enable creativity and the exchange of knowledge and in the field of the arts, research and enterprise as the driving engine for economic and social development.