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The Barcelona Science Park participates in the ambitious European project «ABCEurope»

By 21 de September de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park participates in the ambitious European project «ABCEurope»

The first working meeting of the members of the consortium that makes up the ambitious European project that supports biotechnology «ABCEurope » (Advanced Biotech Cluster Platforms for Europe) was held in Milan on the 14th of this month of September. The initiative, promoted by the Council of European (CEBR), aims to establish synergies within a network of European clusters in order to develop and deliver more efficient support services to biotech companies.

The consortium’s goal is to foster the creation of a European “mega-cluster” of excellence aimed at maximising the impact of biotechnology in Europe to the highest possible level. Jesús Purroy and Maria del Mont Llosas, from the Scientific Department of the Barcelona Science Park, will work on this project which is coordinated by the Milan Chamber of Commerce. The consortium is formed by 14 of the most active European clusters and bioregions: el BioIndustry Park del Canavese (Itàlia), BioM (Alemanya), BioTOP (Alemanya), BioValley (França), Biowin (Bèlgica); ERBI (Regne Unit); Heidelberg Technology Park (Alemanya), Innova (Hongria), Matimop (Israel), Medicen (França), Medicon Valley Alliance (Dinamarca) i Stockholm Science City (Suècia).

In this first working meeting, the partners presented their proposals to set in place the different action plans and finalize the integral action plan of the project, which has been divided into eight areas of interest in line with their objective. The Barcelona Science Park is participating in four of these blocks that are focused on internalisation and provision of support services to innovative SMEs; the establishment of collaboration agreements between the European clusters and their companies, and the promotion of the capacity for joint research.

«ABCEurope» is funded mainly by the European Commission and has a budget of 3.5 million Euros. The project will be deployed over the next three years and will be accessible through the Europa Innova website, the initiative of the European Commission Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry, the aim of which is to make the lab the place to develop and test new support tools for innovation.