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Salvador Aznar-Benitah awarded the Bank of Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research

By 22 de May de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Salvador Aznar-Benitah. Photo: IRB Barcelona.

Salvador Aznar-Benitah awarded the Bank of Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research

Salvador Aznar-Benitah, ICREA researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) based in the PCB, has been awarded the IX Bank of Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research, with a value of 50,000 euros. Selected from among more than 65 candidates, the jury has recognized his contributions to the field of stem cell research, and in particular, for discovering the influence of the circadian rhythm on the behaviour of adult stem cells. The prize-giving ceremony will take place in Barcelona on 1 July in the "Recinto Modernista" of the "Hospital de Sant Pau".

“This prize is the most important in Spain and among the biggest at the international level, both with respect to the amount and for the individual nature of the award, and it thus represents recognition at the highest level,” explains Carlos López-Otín, chair of the jury. Eduard Batlle, coordinator of the Oncology Programme at IRB Barcelona and head of the “Colorectal Cancer Laboratory” received the V Prize in 2010.

The research of Salvador Aznar-Benitah

Salvador Aznar-Benitah (Montreal, Canada, 1975) heads the IRB Barcelona group ‘Stem cells and cancer‘, which comprises 11 members of staff.The group addresses several aspects of the behaviour of stem cells in both healthy tissue and in disease. Basic studies on the biology of this type of cell helps the researchers to understand why stem cells stop working properly in ageing tissues and why they deviate from strict behavioural rules, giving rise to tumours.

He holds an ICREA professorship from the “Generalitat de Catalunya” and projects supported by the European Research Council (ERC), namely an ERC Starting Grant, (“Consolidators” panel 2012-2017), as well as two projects funded by the UK’s Association for International Cancer Research. The Beug Foundation (Germany), has recently awarded him the 2013 Metastasis Prize, which brings with it 12,000 euros for the development of a scientific project on the metastasis of skin cancer.

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