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PCB will host the workshop ‘Financing of KETs in health’

By 18 de May de 2015No Comments
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PCB will host the workshop ‘Financing of KETs in health’

On Tuesday 26 May, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) -based at the al Parc Científic de Barcelona, will host the workshop KETs funding in healthcare, organized by the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed) and the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies (Fenin), in collaboration with ACC1O, the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and the Spanish Platform for Photonics (Fotónica21).


The conference will discuss Key Enabling Technologies (abbreviated as KETs in English) that the European Commission is boosting to modernize and strengthen the European industrial fabric. Funding initiatives and support to SMEs, start-ups and micro-enterprises in the field of health and health technologies, such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the H2020 SME instrument, Innodemanda, “Public Procurement of Innovation” and the RIS3Cat strategy, will be presented among other instruments.  

Speakers at the event  include Josep Samitier, IBEC director and coordinator of the NanoMed Spain Platform; José Luis Fernández, president of Fenin Cataluña; Carles Pizarro, vice president of Fotónica21; Montserrat Alavedra, technology adviser in Biotechnology and Health Sciences at ACC1Ó; and Cecilia Hernandez, head of the Department of Health, Bioeconomics, Climate and Natural Resources at CDTI.

Next, there will be a roundtable where business success stories in the field of nanomedicine, and medical technologies funded by some of these initiatives will be discussed.

Participants also will have the opportunity to hold previously arranged bilateral meetings (one-to-one) with CDTI and ACC1O technicians.

KETs, key actors in the innovation strategy of European industrial fabric

One of the challenges, the Strategy for the smart specialization RIS3CAT– approved last year by the Catalan government in response to the guidelines set by the EU´s  Europe 2020 strategy is to improve the transfer and collaboration between the R & D, companies and markets. Within this context, the capabilities and knowledge of research centers and technology relating to key enabling technologies (KETs) are a key element in the strategic reorientation of Catalan companies, specifically for improving the efficiency of production processes and for a shift towards with higher added value segments with more employment generation potential.

RIS3CAT focuses on the following six KETs: ICT, nanotechnology, photonics, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing technologies.

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