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NIH of the United States to finance a IRB Barcelona project

By 29 de April de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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NIH of the United States to finance a IRB Barcelona project

The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Unit at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –located at the Barcelona Scientific Park– has received funding from the National Health Institutes of the United States (NIH) for the development of new statistical methods that allow the reliable study of genes involved in the development of cancer and its metastasis.

L’ajut concedit pel Govern Federal dels Estats Units és del tipus R01, el més antic dels que disposa el NIH i un dels més prestigiosos a nivell mundial en el camp de la salut. L’any 2009 el NIH va concedir 26 beques R01 fora dels Estats Units, de les quals quatre es van destinar a països europeus, cap d’elles a Espanya.

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