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From left to right: Ángel Lanuza, Josep Samitier, Javier Urzay, Ferran Sanz and Jordi Martí (Source: Asebio).

More than 300 scientists gathered together in Barcelona at the IX Conference of Technological Platforms

The Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanomedSpain), led by IBEC director Josep Samitier, is once again participating in the annual conference of IX Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technological Platforms: Innovative Medicines, Nanomedicines, Healthcare Technology and Biotechnological markets. This event, which brings together around 300 scientists and researchers, has earned its place as a reference in biomedical research, since it allows the diffusion of the most recent national and international initiatives in public-private collaboration in this area.


At the meeting, held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on 15 and 16 March, the keynote speaker invited by NanoMed Spain was Sylvia Bove, CEO of EIT Health. The Spanish node, EIT Health Spain, has its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). In addition, the Platform organized a parallel session on innovation in nanomedicine, in which various projects funded by the European programme H2020 were presented. 

The focus of Nanomed Spain in the coming weeks will focus on the CPI Initiative, which aims to evaluate the technological expertise of the organizations that are part of the platform and explore new opportunities for marketing. The project, called “Oferta Tecnológica para Retos Asistenciales con Nanomedicina” will collect the key technologies that the companies and associated research centers have in advanced stages of development (up to 2 years from time-to-market) to construct a technology supply map. On April 14, a CPI day devoted to the initiative will be held at IBEC.

• More information of IX Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technological Platforms [+]