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IRB Barcelona receives the Narcís Monturiol Plaque

By 18 de July de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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IRB Barcelona receives the Narcís Monturiol Plaque

Yesterday, 17 July, the Catalan Government announced the award of the Narcís Monturiol Plaque to the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). First given by the Catalan Government in 1982, these awards recognize the contribution of Catalan organisations to furthering science and technology.

The Obra Social “la Caixa”” and the Fundació Fero are the other two organisations presented the award this year. The presentation ceremony will be held in September (date to be determined) in the Palau de la Generalitat.The Government also announced the awards of Narcís Monturiol Medals to thirteen authorities in the fields of science and technology: Salvador Barberà, Joaquim Bruna, Luis F. Cabeza, Elías Campo, Joaquim Casal, Josep Domingo, Dieter Einfeld, Climent Giné, Maria Pau Ginebra, Jordi Isern, Genoveva Martí, Emilio Montesinos and Núria Sebastián. El Govern ha aprovat també la concessió de les Medalles Narcís Monturiol a tretze personalitats de reconegut prestigi en el mateix àmbit científic i tecnològic.