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Ignasi Belda. © Parc Científic de Barcelona / Daniel Portales.

Intelligent Pharma sets up office in Canada and expands into the petrochemical market

Intelligent Pharma – based at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, and specializing in computational chemistry services for the pharmaceutical and biotech industry- just opened an office in Calgary (Alberta), Canada. This is the fourth international office that the company sets up in recent years, after the opening of two European delegations -at the Heidelberg Technology Park (Germany) and at the BioPark cluster in Welwyn Garden City, London (UK) - and another one in the United States, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (Boston). 


The Canadian office will focus on the field of petrochemical research. In this business, Intelligent Pharma will offer services similar to those provided to biotech and pharmaceutical companies but particularly addressed at companies in the oil sector.

Currently, Intelligent Pharma already has the first customers in the oil sector, for which it develops products and services with high added value by using its  artificial intelligence and supercomputing technologies. Now, the company has decided to go one step further. The creation of the Canadian office, located in one of the world centers of research in this area, Calgary, will allow it to increase its market share in this area and optimize the commercial platform of support and consulting services.

“With this new step for international growth, we are closer and closer to becoming world leaders in our market niche. At present we are the only service provider in computational chemistry with presence in five countries. We have completed more than 150 research projects for third parties, and have developed technologies that add value to the entire chain of pharmaceutical research for clients around the world. Moreover, our range of services is also the most diversified in the sector, as we have clients in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food areas, and now in the petrochemical also”, says Dr. Ignasi Belda, founder and CEO of Intelligent Pharma.

Intelligent Pharma is a spin-off of the University of Barcelona founded in 2007 by a young entrepreneur, engineer Ignasi Belda, at the Bioincubator of the Parc Cientific de Barcelona. Currently, the company focuses on the development, commercialization and use of new technologies in computational chemistry and artificial intelligence for drug discovery. These services are aimed at public research institutions, as well as biotech, nutritional, cosmetic and most recently petrochemical companies.

In its nearly eight years of operation, Intelligent Pharma has received 15 awards for its innovation capacity and growth potential.