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Intelligent Pharma initiates its international expansion in Germany

By 30 de March de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Intelligent Pharma initiates its international expansion in Germany

The biotech Intelligent Pharma, located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has initiated its international expansion by setting up an office at the Heidelberg Technological Park, in Germany, which will be inaugurated next April 13. The company provides services in the field of biopharmaceutical research, such as computer-assisted drug design, virtual screening, compound library management and computational toxicology, amongst others. It is a pioneer initiative in Spain that is enabling a significant reduction of the costs and time needed to develop new drugs.

The company’s most successful technology, HELIOS, enables research on molecules that are structurally different but have the same biologic activity, new therapeutic applications for existing drugs and toxicity studies, amongst other things. Intelligent Pharma also participates in several initiatives as an expert technological partner in the use of artificial intelligence, massive data management, safety and online communications applied to the life sciences.

According to the director of Intelligent Pharma, Ignasi Belda, “Every day it is becoming harder to obtain new active molecules. Many hopes do not materialize in products suitable for commercialization. Research costs are high and competition with generic products make them harder to amortize. The services offered by Intelligent Pharma help the pharmaceutical industry to better direct research, right from the earliest phases of the process”. The Heidelberg office, located in a strategic area where a large part of the biopharmaceutical industry of this country converges, “is presented as the springboard to access the important German pharmaceutical market, and the first action of the company’s expansion plan”, he adds.

Intelligent Pharma, founded in 2007, is part of the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, a project promoted by the Barcelona Science Park, the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation and the Santander Bank, which aims to participate in the long-term strengthening of technology-based entrepreneurial tissue in the biotech sector of Catalonia. The company was the winner of the first edition of Bioemprendedor XXI, an initiative of Genoma Spain, the agency for local development Barcelona Activa and the La Caixa Foundation, and was also awarded in the 12th Annual BancaixaYoung Entrepreneurs Awards. At present it has the support of the Generalitat via the ACC1Ó Agency and Barcelona Activa in matters of business development.