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Elisabeth Engel and Gabriel Gomila (Photo: IBEC).

IBEC researchers Elisabeth Engel and Gabriel Gomila receive the ICREA Acadèmia grant

Elisabeth Engel and Gabriel Gomila -who combine the leadership of their groups at IBEC with their teaching activity at the UPC and the UB, respectively- have received the ICREA Academy distinction in the category of Engineering Sciences. The program, funded by the Department of Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia with €7.5 million, makes it possible for university teaching staff to devote priority to research activity, in order to help retain talent in Catalonia. The 23 winners and 17 winners in this call will receive 40,000 euros per year each for a period of 5 years to increase the impact and international projection of their research.

Elisabeth Engel leads the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies research group at IBEC and is a full professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona (UPC). “This award acknowledges the group’s many years of research and gives us more time to intensify research and become more competitive”, she states.

Gabriel Gomila leads the Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group and is a full professor in the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering of the University of Barcelona. This is the second time Gabriel has been granted this recognition. He received it for the first time in 2014. ” This distinction is a recognition of the work carried out by the research group in recent years and motivates us to continue working to achieve outstanding advances in our research field”, he explains.

The ICREA Acadèmia programme is an initiative to retain research talent in Catalonia. The grants are awarded by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) and distinguish the research trajectory of the teaching staff who develop their activity in a Catalan public university while being in a fully active phase and expansion of their research activity. In this last call, the fourteenth one, 40 experts from various fields of knowledge have been awarded.

» For further information: Government of Catalonia [+] and IBEC [+]