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The purpose of the call is to accelerate the process whereby new disruptive therapeutic mechanisms reach patients, by using industrial standards (Image: Kaertor Foundation)

I2D2 Initiative Information Session at PCB

Next September 26, the Barcelona Science Park, the Kaertor Foundation, the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) and Janssen organize an information session on the I2D2 (Incubation Innovation in Drug Discovery) call. I2D2 looks for disruptive projects in the area of Drug Discovery with the goal of bridging the gap between sound science and translation into therapeutic solutions.


This session will go through the main features of the call with the main objective of providing answers to any questions or doubts from researchers considering the submission of projects to I2D2.

The purpose of I2D2 program is to accelerate the process whereby new disruptive therapeutic mechanisms reach patients, by using industrial standards to evaluate the mechanisms at the incubation stage for their potential for clinical application. Although the call will remain open, the first evaluation of Expressions of Interest will be made with those submissions received until September 30th, 2017.

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