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Genoma España chooses the PCB to present the buyout of the biotech enterprise Mellitus by Bridge Bioresearch

By 26 de July de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Genoma España chooses the PCB to present the buyout of the biotech enterprise Mellitus by Bridge Bioresearch

The Foundation has used the PCB to announce 's acquisition of 50.066% of the Catalan enterprise Mellitus. The presentation included the participation of the director of the PCB, Fernando Albericio, Genoma España's director of commercialisation and training, Rogelio Pardo, and the CEO of Mellitus, Louise Druse.

Mellitus is a biotech company which arose as a spin-off from the University Hospital Josep Trueta and from the University of Girona. It formed part of the technological portfolio of the Genoma España Foundation, through which its scientific and business development has been promoted. The buyout by Bridge Bioresearch, which is devoted to the acquisition and development of research in the fields of metabolic diseases and obesity, has involved an investment of 8 million euros, thereby strengthening the biotech company.

Mellitus focuses on the discovery of drugs for use in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome. The company has three drugs in the developmental and patent application phase, two for use in the treatment of diabetes type II and the third for gestational diabetes.