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Rita Vassena, director of Eugin's Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Reproduction at the BSP (Photo: Eugin).

Eugin grows its business to 14,000 treatments per year

Eugin Clinic performed 13,885 assisted reproduction treatments in 2015, which places it as one of the European leaders in the sector. The international centre, which has its basic research laboratory at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), performs 10% of the treatments by means of egg donation from all over Europe and their success rates, which are verified by the prestigious German certification agency, TÜV, confirm that 9 in10 women achieve pregnancy. Eugin is also undertaking a large number of scientific projects with leading research centres and six European universities, including the University of Barcelona (UB).


Since its foundation in 1999 in Barcelona, under the management of Dr.Valérie Vernaeve and Andrés Rebage, Eugin Clinic has become a benchmark assisted reproduction centre both nationally and internationally. Currently, it cares for patients from 78 countries and, at the same time, the volume of treatments to Spanish patients has been increasing steadily

In order to cater to this demand in the most effective way, this April Eugin opened its first clinic in Madrid and in 2015 acquired CIRH (Centre for Infertility and Human Reproduction), the assisted reproduction unit linked to the Corachan Clinic, which is the centre in Catalonia where the highest number of treatments are performed on local patients. It also has two clinics in Italy and two more in Bogotá.

In early 2015 Eugin was integrated into the structure of NMC Healthcare, a major international medical group, consisting of more than 600 physicians who work in 30 different medical specialties.

Cutting-edge research at the PCB

Eugin’s Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Reproduction is based in the Barcelona Science Park. In these cutting-edge facilities, where the group’s basic research is focused, its team of specialists is carrying out advanced studies aimed at broadening its knowledge of human fertility.

It also coordinates numerous scientific projects with working groups from research centres such as the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona or European universities like the University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Milan, University of Sassari and the University of Cardiff.

Eugin’s scientific director, Dr. Rita Vassena, is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE, its acronym in English), which counts among its founders the father of assisted reproduction, the late Nobel laureate Robert Edwards, and amounts to thousands of specialists from all over the world.

One in ten egg donations in Europe

Eugin accounts for 10% of the egg donation treatments performed in the whole of Europe, for which it has one of the most advanced donor programmes in the sector, thus allowing for an extremely precise match between the physical, genetic and blood group characteristics of the donor and the egg recipient. 94% of Eugin’s patients achieve pregnancy, according to the success rates audited by the prestigious German certification agency, TÜV.

Eugin was also the first fertility clinic in Spain to incorporate IVF Witness technology in its laboratory, which is an electronic system that eliminates any risk in the misidentification of egg, sperm and embryo samples.

In addition to specialising in the most cutting-edge technical advances in assisted reproduction (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and egg donation), the clinic also provides a fertility preservation service through its egg freezing programme, Timefreeze