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Esteve recieves the Circle Night Award

By 29 de January de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Catalan Economy Minister Andreu Mas-Colell delivered the award to Stephen Anthony - Photo: © CPAC.

Esteve recieves the Circle Night Award

The ‘Circle for Knowledge' Commission has granted the Circle Night Award to Esteve in recognition of its tasks aimed at fostering innovation, internationalization and the sustainable development of Catalonia by way of its industrial activities. On behalf of Esteve, Antoni Esteve received the award from Generalitat's Economy and Knowledge Counselor Andreu Mas-Colell, who chaired the event at the Alimara Hotel of Barcelona. Regarding R&D, proof of this strong strategic commitment has been the transfer of drug discovery and preclinical development units to the facilities of Science Park of the University of Barcelona.

The third edition of this meeting of the Catalan business world was also attended by Miquel Roca i Junyent, president of the Barcelonian Economic Society of Friends of the Country, and by Joan Majó i Cruzate, president of the ‘Circle for Knowledge’ Commission, as well as by some hundred representatives of the academic, industrial and professional sectors in the fields of economy and knowledge society.

Esteve outstands for its active internationalization policies. Currently, international sales account for 46% of total sales and are expected to reach 66% by the year 2015. In addition to the three production plants located in Spain (two chemical plants and one pharmaceutical plant), the company owns four other chemical factories –two in China and two in Mexico– as well as subsidiaries in Germany, United States, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey. Drug products and active ingredients manufactured by Esteve are presently available in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Regarding innovation, and in addition to in-house R&D focusing primarily on the development of analgesia-related products, Esteve has collaborations with universities and other partners of the sector, including biotech companies and research teams. Proof of this strong strategic commitment has been for instance, the transfer of drug discovery and preclinical development units to the facilities of Science Park of the University of Barcelona, as well as participation in Hivacat project, a public-private consortium with the Irsi Caixa Institute for AIDS Research, the Hospital Clínic, “la Caixa” Benevolent Fund and the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia, faces the challenge of developing a vaccine to eradicate AIDS.