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ESTEVE fosters R&D by transferring its center for drug discovery to the Barcelona Science Park

By 19 de September de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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President of the Government of Catalonia Artur Mas inaugurated the new facility yesterday alongside other authorities.

ESTEVE fosters R&D by transferring its center for drug discovery to the Barcelona Science Park

Esteve, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Spain, has moved its R&D center to the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), in an attempt to shorten development time and speed up the arrival to market of innovative new drugs. This agreement represents one more step towards a single open innovation model in the field of pharmaceutical R&D in our country, a model goes beyond traditional university-company collaboration and becomes a symbiotic relationship likely to boost the skills and efficiency of all the parties involved.

Moving out to the PCB illustrates well ESTEVE’s bet on research as the company’s raison d’être despite the current socio-economic difficulties, and as a way to ensure long-term sustainability. Indeed, one of the keys to sustainability is the ability to provide innovative solutions to unmet medical needs. At this new center, the Company expects to increase R&D-related performance, improve the general productivity involved in the drug discovery and development process, and reduce time to market.

The agreement reached between ESTEVE and the PCB-UB has allowed both entities to formalize a commitment for research in our country. It is undoubtedly the very first alliance whereby a large pharmaceutical company locates all its key units of competency for drug discovery and preclinical development (including medical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, toxicology, molecular modeling, and knowledge management) in a top-level academic/scientific environment in Spain.

The decision to transfer this R&D team to the PCB was based on different factors, such as the PCB’s excellent infrastructures, the advantages of working in a top-level scientific/technical environment and a common space shared with academicians, researchers, young talented people and entrepreneurial organizations to interact within a powerful innovation ecosystem framework.

It also represents one more step towards a single open innovation model in the field of pharmaceutical R&D in our country. This model goes beyond traditional university-company collaboration and becomes a symbiotic relationship likely to boost the skills and efficiency of all the parties involved.

ESTEVE’s R&D core strategy rests on collaborations and strategic alliances with universities, public research centers, technology-based companies and other companies of the sector, both in Spain and abroad.