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Snapshot of the workshop 'The search for new applications for existing drugs' (Photo: PCB).

El PCB takes part in the 3rd Science Festival of the University of Barcelona

This year, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is again actively participating in the 3rd Science Festival of the University of Barcelona, that will be held today at the Historical Building of the UB during all day with the dual aim of bringing people closer to research, innovation and knowledge –in a playful and fun way- and making some research studies –carried out currently in UB Group- accessible to the general public.


The Barcelona Science Park is present at the Festival with the activity ‘The search for new applications for existing drugs’, led by researchers Carlos Heras and Ivan Ramos. This activity is part of the series of experimental workshops titled «Do Research!», one of the proposals of the Research in Society program launched in 2003 by the PCB to bring living science to all audiences and to promote vocations among young people.

The 3rd Science Festival of the University of Barcelona will be a lot of science-related activities, such as researchers’ presentations, games and workshops.

Detailed information about each activity can be read in UB website [+]