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El PCB participates Biotechnology and Healthcare Euro-Regional Meetings of the Southern Europe Biocluster

By 30 de June de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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El PCB participates Biotechnology and Healthcare Euro-Regional Meetings of the Southern Europe Biocluster

A Catalan delegation of some fifteen research centers and biotech and pharma companies –including entities from de Scientific Barcelona Park˜ left for Montpellier today to participate in the 2nd Biotechnology and Healthcare Euro-Regional Meetings, which will be held 1 and 2 July. The meetings will also establish the details one of the most important upcoming events: the Second Summer School on Medicines (SSM2), which will be held from 31 August through 11 September in Toulouse and Barcelona, organised by Barcelona Scientific Park and Toulouse Cancer Campus.

Biocat, as a member of the driving committee for these meetings, is leading the delegation. The Meetings aim to foster knowledge among the main biotechnology and healthcare stakeholders in the Southern Europe Biocluster, which is a euro-regional network of life sciences clusters made up of Biocat (Catalonia), Innovalis and Prod’Innov (Aquitania), BioIB and the Government of the Balearic Islands Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (Balearic Islands), Biomerides and Eurobiomed (Languedoc-Roussillon) and Cancer Bio-Santé and BioMedicalAlliance (Midi-Pyrénées). The meetings also aim to promote joint projects among members, accelerate existing scientific and economic cooperation, and help get a snapshot of the current state of innovation in these areas.