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Crystax Pharmaceuticals appoints Claas Junghans as CEO

By 26 de January de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Claas Junghans

Crystax Pharmaceuticals appoints Claas Junghans as CEO

The biotech enterprise , located in the facilities of the CIDEM-PCB Bioincubator at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), has announced the appointment of Claas Junghans as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Previously, Mr. Junghans held the post of Chief Operations Officer (COO) with the German biotech company Mologen, which is devoted to the production of DNA vaccines for gene therapy and other therapeutic applications. He was a member of the managerial team responsible for the flotation of this company in 1998. This operation was the first of this type undertaken by a biotech enterprise in Germany. Regarding Crystax, Mr. Junghans also proposes floating the company in a period of between 5 and 7 years.

CrystaX is a biotech company that works in the field of structure-based drug discovery. Founded by two researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the company studies pharmaceutical targets through applying the latest techniques in X-Ray diffraction, using synchrotron light. Once the target structure has been established, Crystax identifies new lead compounds for the development of novel pharmaceutical drugs.

The company is currently working with six large European pharmaceutical firms, and is developing its own research projects to pursue new therapeutic targets.