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The speakers, all of them with a background in science, have gone on to take up a wide range of careers beyond the bench. Photo: © PCB.

‘Career progression in science’: the talent circuit in life sciences

Over 60 attendees participated today at the 6th edition of the  Career progression in science – Options beyond the bench held at the auditorium of the Parc Cienífic de Barcelona (PCB). The event, organized annually by the PCB and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), is aimed at creating a meeting point where experts with a background in science, who have gone on to take up a wide range of careers beyond the bench, including positions in research management, transfer of knowledge or entrepreneurship, can share their personal experiences and provide perspective on alternative careers for students and young researchers.

Jordi Quintana, Head of Business Development, Director of Drug Discovery Platform at PCB, was in charge of the opening ceremony. Next, presentations were given by: Raül Insa, CEO of the SOM Biotech, located at PCB; Rosina Malagrida, Head of Public Engagement on Health Research at Institut de Recerca de la Sida IrsiCaixa; Goretti Mallorquí, Scientific Officer, Research and Academic Administration Department  at IRB Barcelona; Marusela Oliveras, Junior Business Development Manager at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR); Dominique Monferrer, Regulatory Affairs Manager at Asphalion, and Markus Wilhelms, CEO and Co-Founder of usMIMA.

All speakers gave a brief summary of their professional career progression, explaining what their current job entails and what made them decide for this option. After the presentations, there was a round of questions and answers open to all attendees.

After the event, refreshments were served so that participants and attendees could address personal consultations and the issues covered in the meeting in a friendlier, relaxed atmosphere.

Group photo of the speakers, all of those with a background in science, who have gone on to take up a wide range of careers beyond the bench