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TTS Europe will takeplace jointly with the Final Conference of the Entente Health project in Barcelona.

Barcelona will host TTS Europe & Entente Health 2015

TTS Europe will takeplace jointly with the Final Conference of the Entente Health project from April 28 to April 29th 2015 at Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). The TTS enables delegates to efficiently identify, meet and instigate business with technology offices, companies and other stakeholders across the healthcare value chain, from patient groups and NGOs to large biotech and pharma companies to financiers and innovative start-ups alike. Several Catalan organizations will participate in this joint event of the two initiatives –with collaboration from Biocat– including the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Barcelona (IRB Barcelona) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, based in the Parc Científic de Barcelona.

TTS Europe is the springtime Summit of the TTS Global Initiative. It continues the tradition of providing an environment conducive to university and institute technology offices and early stage biotech and healthcare companies developing their business and technology offerings through debate, deliberation and discussion with KOLs from all stakeholder groups in healthcare and biotech innovation, ensuring the instigation of high caliber business opportunities.

This year, one time only, the TTS Europe is combined with the final conference of Entente Health, the key European funded programme designed to build expertise and best practices in healthcare technology transfer and innovation, and financing secondments of European TTOs into leading technology transfer and licensing offices, big pharma, and venture capital funds, to really learn the business of their interlocutors and build the relations and knowledge necessary to succeed in healthcare innovation.