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Photo: Avinent / Fundació Althaia.

Avinent collaborates with Althaia and other institutions to produce PPE with 3D printing technology

The company Avinent, present in the Barcelona Science Park, is doing a collaborative project with Althaia Foundation, Bages University Foundation (FUB-UManresa), Eurecat, the Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and Manresa City Council to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with 3D printing technology. This alliance is concreted with the fabrication of face protection screens and door handles to open with the forearm.


The alliance between six institutions in the scientific, health, academic, business and institutional worlds –Althaia Foundation, Bages University Foundation (FUB-UManresa), Eurecat, the Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and Manresa City Council– has permitted to design in Manresa a circuit of fabrication of PPE with 3D printing technology to cope with the health emergency provoked by the SARS-CoV-2.

In this way, they want to channel in an efficient way the the will of people and entities that have offered themselves to elaborate materials and components for PPE in the frame of the Coronavirus crisis. Coordination should ensure that teams reach health centres where they are needed and that can be properly leveraged because they meet all security requirements.

The teamwork of companies and particulars is focused on the production of face protection screens and door handles to open doors with the forearm, without using hands, to avoid the risk of contagion of coronavirus.

In both cases, the validation of the designs and testing of the first units has been carried out by Avinent, approved company in the healthcare materials production sector, based in the Catalan town of Santpedor and the Barcelona Science Park.

The collaboration of other entities and citizens can help expanding the actual capacity of production and make that arrives to centres in optimal conditions to be used. With all, to make this help really useful, it is necessary that arrives in a coordinated way and following the technical specifications accorded by the different organizations that are involved.

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