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Mª José Borreguero, CEO of Arian Internacional.

Arian Internacional succesfully starts a consultancy división for European projects

Backed up by 14 years experience and more tan 200 companies  advised on international projects, Arian Internacional–an associate company at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) – has successfully started the European Projects Advisory/Consultancy service with the preparation of the ZeClinics– that has won funding from the SME Instrument Phase 2, within the framework of  Horizon 2020, under the category  'Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector'. This € 1.87 million grant is intended for small and medium-sized European companies investing in innovative projects with a major economic and social impact. 


The grant will enable Zeclinics to fully fund  100%  of the project “Cardiotoxicity High-throughput screening (HTS) with zebrafish embryo” and expedite the development and commercialisation of one of its flagship products: ZeCardio®, a new predictive analysis system of the cardiovascular effects of drugs in discovery phase, capable of detecting the cardiotoxicity of hundreds of thousands of molecules. In the framework of this project, the platform will analyze daily, both response to pharmacological treatments as well as genetic models of cardiovascular diseases, multiple parameters of cardiac physiology and the vascular system in hundreds of zebrafish embryos, and will allow to determine, with high predictability its possible effects on humans.

“The great knowledge of the European Grant system and our experience as expert evaluators in the Horizon 2020 -SME Instrument and Eurostars-Eureka programs have enabled us to successfully advice ZeClinics throughout the process of designing and preparation of the winning project proposal”, says Mª José Borreguero, CEO of Arian Internacional.

Arian International is a consulting company with more than 14 years of experience in foreign trade projects. Its mission is to work hand in hand with companies in their internationalization projects, helping them to respond to specific needs that arise in the process. Its consulting team is approved by the different export promotion agencies: ICEX España Export and Investments and  ACCIÓ, among others. At present, the company has a complete portfolio of internationalization services geared mainly to technological, pharmaceutical and professional services companies and maintains a close relationship with university setting and academia.